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别在用 close the clock 表达 “关闹钟”了!来了解下正确表达!

2022-05-22 16:24

别在用 close the clock 表达 “关闹钟”了!来了解下正确表达!

别在用 close the clock 表达 “关闹钟”了!来了解下正确表达!


清晨最常做的动作之一就是“关闹钟”,但你知道“关闹钟”的英文该如何表达吗?它可不是直译的 "close the clock" 哦,因为 "close" 一般是指“关闭(门,窗)”之类的事物, 用于关闹钟不太合适。


别在用 close the clock 表达 “关闹钟”了!来了解下正确表达!

别在用 close the clock 表达 “关闹钟”了!来了解下正确表达!

around the clock

around 是围绕的意思,clock 是钟表,围绕着钟表不停转,就是 all day and all night without stopping,around the clock 中文意思就是“全天候” “夜以继日地” “昼夜不停地” “不眠不休地”。

别在用 close the clock 表达 “关闹钟”了!来了解下正确表达!

More than 500 firefighters were working around the clock to contain the blaze.


They were willing to work around the clock, sleep in the office and battle each other over strategy and technical decisions.


They are studying around the clock when they are preparing for the final exam.


别在用 close the clock 表达 “关闹钟”了!来了解下正确表达!

Some stores stay open around the clock, while others do business for only a few hours a day.


She's working around the clock to meet the deadline.


别在用 close the clock 表达 “关闹钟”了!来了解下正确表达!

against the clock

against the clock 意思是争分夺秒、尽可能快,常和 work 和 race 搭配。

别在用 close the clock 表达 “关闹钟”了!来了解下正确表达!

work against the clock 除了表示争分夺秒,还可以表示提前完成工作。

We are working against the clock to finish the report by Wednesday.


而 race against the clock 中的 race 既可以是动词,也可以是名词,意思是与时间赛跑、争分夺秒。

They started a race against the clock to finish the interior of the new store that was scheduled to open in a month.


You will have to race against the clock if you want to get ready for the contract by next Tuesday.


别在用 close the clock 表达 “关闹钟”了!来了解下正确表达!

turn back the clock

turn back the clock 直译就是把钟表的指针往回拨,从字面意思可以引申出两种含义。

别在用 close the clock 表达 “关闹钟”了!来了解下正确表达!

第一种是回忆过去发生的事情,意思是让时光倒流、倒转,常常带有怀旧惋惜的情感。turn back the clock 后面加上时间点或时间段的词语,可以表示希望回到某一个特定时间。


I wish I could turn back the clock 30 years and be young again.


"I don't think you can completely turn back the clock," he said.


It's a pity that I can't turn back the clock, I can't choose these for the second time.


别在用 close the clock 表达 “关闹钟”了!来了解下正确表达!

ditch the alarm clock

关闹钟大家经常会用 close the clock,但是这其实是错的。正确的表达是 turn off the alarm clock。

关闹钟也可以用 ditch the alarm clock 表示,ditch 是丢弃、摆脱、抛弃的意思,这个短语表达了被闹钟吵醒,恨不得把闹钟扔了砸了的心情,是不是很形象呢!

She ditches the alarm clock and then goes back to sleep.

别在用 close the clock 表达 “关闹钟”了!来了解下正确表达!


别在用 close the clock 表达 “关闹钟”了!来了解下正确表达!

beat the clock

beat the clock 可不是被吵醒了,在打闹钟哦!实际上是指提前完成任务、抢时间。

Sam beat the clock, arriving a few minutes before the doors were locked.


别在用 close the clock 表达 “关闹钟”了!来了解下正确表达!

The work went well and we beat the clock, finishing nearly two hours before the deadline.


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kill the clock

实际意思是拖延战术,是一个美式短语。是指在比赛或游戏中,一方抓住机会消耗掉剩余比赛时间,确保对手不得分。也可以用 run out the clock表示。

Our team was two points ahead with only three minutes to go. We tried to kill the clock, but we fumbled the ball. And the other team got lucky; They kicked a field goal and won by one point.


这里的 kill the clock 是指在球赛将结束时领先球队采取拖延战术以保住胜利。

There's a lot of game time left for them to start killing the clock.


别在用 close the clock 表达 “关闹钟”了!来了解下正确表达!

别在用 close the clock 表达 “关闹钟”了!来了解下正确表达!


别在用 close the clock 表达 “关闹钟”了!来了解下正确表达!

